Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Book of Ra: An Online Casino Experience

Recently, online gambling has grown immensely. Consumers love the feel of having a casino slot machine right at one's fingertips is exhilarating, and convenient for those who don't have a casino near them, or simply don't want to make the drive.

The Book Of Ra online is one example of slot machine online gaming that has grown in immense popularity. It follows an Egyptian theme, and has bright colors and fun sounds to keep the player engages and eager to keep pulling that virtual lever. Unlike other online slot machine games it does not take a classic, almost archaic approach, instead it has an exciting, unique theme of ancient Egypt, similar to most modern slot machines that you might find in a real casino.

The creators of The Book of Ra have recently been discussing new features they wish to add to the addicting online game. One new feature is "visually impaired access" which is a modification on the software that will allow the color-blind and those that have poor eyesight to play. It will allow the player to choose from a different color scheme and font size. This is a great addition and will bring in new players. It was a smart move on the developer's part, since the elderly and handicapped are the main users of online casino games.

The Book of Ra is currently free to play, one can simply type the name into a search engine, find a hosting website and begin playing. The developers of the game are considering adding features that give players bonuses once they make enough virtual money in the game, such as free merchandise and access to other games.